The following list is non exhaustive, but presents the most used terms in class.
Counting | |
Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi | Four |
Go | Five |
Roku | Six |
Shichi | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Ku | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
Uke Waza | Blocking Techniques |
Age Uke | Rising Block |
Gedan Barai | Downward Block |
Shuto Uke | Sword Hand Block |
Soto Uke | Outside Inward Forearm Block |
Uchi Uke | Inside Outward Forearm Block |
Hiji Uke | Elbow Block |
Juji Uke | X Block |
Kakiwake Uke | Reverse Wedge Block |
Morote Uke | Augmented Forearm Block |
Nagashi Uke | Sweeping Block |
Osae Uke | Pressing Block |
Teisho Uke | Palm Heel Block |
Kake Uke(Tekubi Kake Uke) | Hook BlockHooking Wrist Block |
Tate Uke | Vertical Block |
Haishu Uke | Back hand Block |
Zuki Waza | Punching Techniques |
Choku Zuki | Straight Punch |
Oi Zuki | Lunge Punch |
Gyaku Zuki | Reverse Punch |
Kizami Zuki | Jabbing Punch |
Age Zuki | Rising Punch |
Tate Zuki | Vertical Punch |
Ura Zuki | Close Punch (uppercut) |
Morote Zuki | Parallel Punch |
Kagi Zuki | Horizontal Hook Punch |
Mawashi Zuki | Roundhouse Punch |
Yama Zuki | Wide U Punch |
Awaze Zuki | U Punch |
Hasami Zuki | Scissor Punch |
Geri Waza | Kicking techniques |
Mae Geri | Front Kick |
Mawashi Geri | Roundhouse Kick |
Yoko Geri Keage | Side Snap Kick |
Yoko Geri Kekomi | Side Thrust Kick |
Ushiro Geri | Back Kick |
Ushiro Mawashi Geri | Spinning Back Roundhouse Kick |
Fumikomi | Stamping Kick |
Nidan (Ren) Geri | Two front kicks |
Kakato Geri | Heel Kick |
Mikazuki Geri | Crescent Kick |
Hiza Geri | Knee Kick |
Mae Tobi Geri | Front Jump Kick (Back Leg First) |
Yoko Tobi Geri | Side Jump Kick |
Nami Gaeshi | Returning Wave Kick |
Uchi Wasa | Striking Techniques |
Empi Uchi(Also called Hiji Ate) | Elbow Strike |
Haito Uchi | Ridge Hand Strike |
Kentsui (Tetsui) Uchi | Hammerfist Strike |
Shuto Uchi | Sword Hand Strike |
Uraken Uchi | Backfist Strike |
Tate Empi Uchi | Upward Elbow Strike |
Mawashi Empi Uchi | Roundhouse Elbow Strike |
Ushiro Empi Uchi | Back Elbow Strike |
Yoko Empi Uchi | Side Elbow Strike |
Otoshi Empi Uchi | Downward Elbow Strike |
Teisho Uchi | Palm Heel Strike |
Uraken Uchi | Back Fist Strike |
Haishu Uchi | Back Hand Strike |
Dachi | Stances |
Zenkutsu Dachi | Front Stance |
Kiba Dachi | Straddle Leg Stance |
Kokutsu Dachi | Back Stance |
Fudo/Sochin Dachi | Rooted Stance |
Heisoku Dachi | Attention Stance (Feet Together) |
Musubi Dachi | Attention Stance (Toes Out) |
Heiko Dachi | Parallel Stance |
Hachiji Dachi (Yoi) | Open Leg Stance (Natural Nosition) |
Uchi Hachiji Dachi | Inverted Open Leg Stance |
Hangetsu Dachi | Half Moon Stance |
Kosa Dachi | Cross Leg Stance |
Neko Ashi Dachi | Cat Leg Stance |
Sanchin Dachi | Hour Glass Stance |
Renoji Dachi | L-Stance |
Shiko Dachi | Square Stance |
Teiji Dachi | T-Stance |
Kumite | Sparring |
Go-hon Kumite | 5 step sparring |
San-bon Kumite | 3 step sparring |
Kihon-ippon Kumite | Basic 1 step sparring |
Kaeshi – ippon | Return 1 step sparring |
Jiyu-ippon Kumite | Semi-freestype one-blow |
Okuri Jiyu-ippon Kumite | 2 step semi freestyle sparring |
Jiyu Kumite | Free style sparring |
Other Terminology | |
Ashi barai | Foot sweep |
Karate gi | Karate uniform |
Dojo | Taining room |
Dojo kun | Dojo rules |
Embusen | Performance line |
Gasshuku | Seminar |
Gedan | Lower level |
Gedan barai | Lower level sweep |
Gyaku hanmi | Reverse half front facing |
Hanmi | Half front facing |
Hidari | Left |
Hiki te | Pulling hand |
Hiza | Knee |
Jodan | Upper level |
Kakato | Heel |
Kamaete | Go into position |
Karate-ka | Karate practitioner |
Kata | Forms |
Ken | Fist |
Kiai | Shout of spirit |
Kihon | Basic training |
Kime | Focus, finish |
Kohai | Junior |
Koshi | Ball of foot |
Kuro Obi | Black Belt |
Maai | Distance |
Mae | Forward |
Makiwara | Punching board |
Mawatte | Turn |
Migi | Right |
Mokuso | Meditation |
Morote | Two handed |
Mudansha | Group of Student without a Dan (Colour Belts) |
Naore | Return to starting position |
Naote | Relax |
Nukite | Spear hand |
Obi | Belt |
Otagai ni rei | Bow to each other |
Rei | Bow |
Seiken | Fore fist |
Seiza | Sit straight (on heels) |
Sempai | Senior |
Sensei | Teacher, instructor |
Sensei ni rei | Bow to the Teacher |
Shizentai | Natural position |
Shomen ni rei | Bow to front |
Sokuto | Foot edge |
Tate | Vertical |
Te | Hand |
Teisho | Palm heel |
Uraken | Back fist |
Ushiro | Backward |
Waza | Technique |
Yame | Stop |
Yoi | Ready, prepare |
Yoko | Sideways |
Yudansha | Group of owner of a Dan (Black Belts) |
Zanshin | Remaining spirit |